Research and Creative Activity Travel Grants

The GSRC’s Research and Creative Activity Travel Grant program (Program) was created as part of the FSU Quality Enhancement Plan to provide advanced doctoral students the opportunity to attend and present research or creative works at regional, state, national, and international conferences or performance venues.

The Program offers Attendance Grants and Presentation Grants for full-time FSU doctoral candidates seeking support with expenses associated with traveling to an approved professional conference or event related to their program of study.

Funding Amounts

  • Attendance grants: up to $500 of qualified expenses
  • Presentation grants: up to $1,000 of qualified expenses

Full-time doctoral candidates are limited to one GSRC grant (either presentation or conference attendance) per academic year (July 1 Current Year-June 30 Following Year).

July 1 - October 31 June 1
November 1 - February 29 October 1
March 1 - June 30 February 1

To be eligible for funding, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. At the time of conference travel, be a full-time enrolled doctoral candidate for a terminal degree that culminates in a research dissertation;
  2. Have participated in one or more Graduate Skills Workshops offered by University Libraries as verified by sign-in no later than 10 minutes after workshop commencement and completion of an end-of-course questionnaire. If you were more than 10 minutes late to the workshop, or if you didn’t submit an end of course survey within 24 hours of workshop attendance, it will not qualify you as eligible for the funding. However, you may take an additional workshop from that series and reapply provided you submit no less than 15 calendar days prior to your departure.
  3. Have not previously been awarded a GSRC Research and Creative Activity travel grant within the current academic year;
  4. Applications must be received by the GSRC (completed and accompanied by the required documentation) no less than 15 calendar days prior to your departure.

Applicants will be required to submit the following documentation:

  1. Evidence of attendance at or acceptance to present at a regional, state, national, and international conference or performance venue (e.g., email confirming conference registration; conference agenda with student’s name as a presenter; email from the event confirming student’s acceptance);
  2. An individualized ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) account (can be created here);
  3. Proof of application or request for college, program, or department funding even if denied (e.g., a screenshot of an email with an inquiry about departmental funding);
  4. Proof of timely application or request for funding from the Congress of Graduate Students even if denied (e.g., a screenshot of an email a student received after submitting an application to the COGS); and
  5. Proof of advisor’s approval of the conference or event as appropriate to student’s educational program (e.g., a screenshot of an email from the advisor).
  6. If traveling internationally, applicants must go to the FSU Global website and complete any required forms 4-6 weeks in advance of travel, following all safety and pre-departure requirements. Applicants will have to upload the proof of completing this step.

Students may receive one travel grant per academic year. For each award a student is seeking, a different University Library’s workshop must be completed.

Providing incomplete information will result in a denial of your application. You may re-apply immediately if your travel will occur in the funding window, you are able to provide complete information within the funding window, and you re-apply 15 days in advance of your planned trip.

If you have submitted an application and have not received an email with a decision of either “accepted” or “denied” within 15 days, please email the GSRC at to request a confirmation email with that decision.

Download Travel Grant Checklist

Save your receipts!

Grant recipients must save all travel expense receipts and submit them to their departments within 3 business days. If receipts are not submitted within 30 calendar days following your return, the award will be canceled, and grant recipients will be responsible for the costs of travel that were intended to be covered by this grant.

Plan ahead! Grants are awarded pre-travel only, so please review your event dates, when University Libraries are offering required workshops, the funding period, and this policy to ensure your application is appropriate, timely and complete. Applications must be received by the Program (completed and accompanied by the required documentation) no less than 15 calendar days prior to your departure.

Apply Here