
Assisting Students in Distress

Basic guidelines for assisting or navigating a highly distressed person.

Campus Police

Protecting all of us and providing a range of training, including Rape Aggression Defense, Active Shooter Training, and a Citizen's Police Academy.

Night Nole Bus Route

This route runs in the Fall and Spring semesters only when class is in session. 8 PM - 3 AM, Monday - Saturday.

Nole Cab

Safe and reliable ride home for $6. Show your FSU ID for service.

Report Incidents/Concerning Behavior

This site enables anyone to share important information regarding incidents or concerning behavior happening in the Florida State University community.

Title IX Office

Handles complaints or questions about sexual harrassment, sexual violence, and all other forms of sex discrimination.

Victim Advocate Program

Confidential support is available to those who have been the victim of any type of crime.
Call 24/7: (850) 644-7161 or TEXT (850) 756-4320