Academic and Professional Development

Career Center - Graduate Students

The Career Center is committed to providing quality career services and resources to support Florida State University graduate students at all levels. In particular, doctoral students may have unique career planning needs along with questions about pathways both within and beyond academia.

Center for Global Engagement (CGE)

CGE provides orientation, immigration advising, and ongoing support to students on F and J Visas (including those completing Optional Practical Training following graduation) and their family members, as well as to international scholars and faculty.

Center for Intensive English Studies

Provides English language speaking and writing instruction to international students to promote academic success.

Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT)

CAT provides opportunities for collegial exchange about teaching and learning, bringing together instructors and TAs across all levels and disciplines to hone their expertise in facilitating learning and to promote FSU's collective goal of providing students with a preeminent education.

FSU Brand Style Guide

Make absolutely sure that your conference presentation slides and posters meet all FSU requirements before you present! Review and download an array of templates in the Brandfolder.

FSU Libraries

Visit the libraries for research assistance, and access to computers, printers, and individual or group study spaces.

Graduate Entry Exam Preparation

Interested in a new graduate school direction or in attending graduate school? University Libraries provides access to exam preparation materials online, or in person at Strozier and Dirac Libraries’ Student Support Desks.

Graduate Ombudsperson

The Graduate Student Ombudsperson serves as a resource and independent/neutral party for graduate students who may have a university-related concern. The Ombudsperson helps explore matters by providing a safe space for confidential examination of options and strategies to address serious concerns.

The Graduate School

Provides assistance in academic matters; advice on University-wide degree requirements; information on the availability of financial assistance including assistantships, fellowships, and scholarships; and approval for theses and dissertations.

Graduate Skills Workshops

The Graduate Skills Workshop series is a collection of workshops developed in collaboration with the Graduate School and the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) to support graduate research and success. Topics include citation management, literature review, and data visualization and analysis.

Graduate Student Handbook

The ultimate guide for FSU graduate student information and policies.

Information Resources for Graduate Success

University Libraries provides an array of information resources tailored to support your graduate studies, encompassing guidebooks on aspects of graduate student professional activities and helpful websites for career exploration.

LinkedIn Learning

Log in using your FSU credentials to access professional development and learning opportunities.

Nole Network

NoleNetwork is The Career Center’s system for linking students and alumni directly with hiring employers and Career Center programs.

Office of Accessibility Services (OAS)

OAS creates an environment of success through the provision of academic, housing, and dining accommodations, testing support, assistive technologies, and space for students to feel a part of the FSU community.

Professional Clothing Closet

The Professional Clothing Closet offers Florida State University students access to FREE professional attire appropriate for career fairs, interviews, and the workplace. Inventory includes suits, blazers, skirts, button-down shirts, and more.

Reading-Writing Center (RWC)

The RWC offers support to FSU students, including feedback on writing assignments, thesis or dissertation chapters, conference papers, and manuscripts. The RWC also offers ENG 5998: Writing Graduate Papers during fall and spring semesters. This course arranges weekly meetings with a graduate writing consultant to provide individualized support for projects including conference papers, articles, theses, and dissertations. You and your writing consultant will develop a work schedule based on your project goals for the semester. Students may register for 1-3 credits. If you are interested in enrolling, please submit an application for course credit (available online) and email the PDF to

Resources for Dissertation Writers

University Libraries has identified resources and developed recommendations specifically tailored to assist doctoral students in the successful completion of their dissertation projects.

Thesis and Dissertation Deadlines

Critical steps and deadlines for graduation are very tight. Your committee needs time to read your manuscript and any post-defense manuscript revisions, so finish well before these dates to ensure you graduate as planned.